Today I had a thought — since I called my site Romantic-Ideas-for-Life, it would probably be a good idea if I actually shared some of my “romanticized” ideas about life, and love, with you. On this day, I’ve been inspired by love and want to say this…

Love openly, fearlessly, and unconditionally.

Love as you want, not as you’re told. Define your terms and stick to them.  Love in a way that makes you happy, whether that means short spurts or long marathons, with or without marriage, and including kids or not.

All that matters is that you LOVE. Open your heart. And if it gets hurt, forgive and let go. Don’t close off to the next possibility. Because the longer we live, the more dependent we become on love as our primary survival tool.

Soul-mated love is a living fantasy, yes. But you can find equal depth and vastness in ordinary, intimate, exposed love. Look for the real and the breathing in your relations. Observe the actions of the body and notice the messages coming from the eyes. Listen to your senses and follow their guidance.

And trust that your love will last for as long as it needs to before making room for the next lesson to come your way. Yes, love is just another lesson in your journey. A lesson that teaches you about you, others, and the world. Try to experience as many of these lessons in your lifetime as you can. Because at the end, I sense that love is all that will be remembered.

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